Moody, tackle it!

Teuku Muhammad Al Kautsar
3 min readJan 25, 2022

Moody can rush anywhere and anytime. It could come to the artist, author, office worker, for working regularly or freelancing. it able to come anybody. Humane atmosphere.

In the oxford dictionary, the definition of mood is the way you are feeling at a particular time, the inner atmosphere of you. Moody is in a bad mood.

Bad Mood is normal. But the problem is when you feel it at a critical moment, Your existence is very needed by people, or the condition depends on you more. Then you say. ‘Sorry, I’m moody’.

It is a fault, It brings in big problem.

Pandji Pragiwaksono, Stand up comedian from Indonesia shares insight on how to tackle moody in 2 ways, and you must try it.

Make NO CHOICES for your life

Moody often comes from the tongue of people who have many choices in life. As an example from the rich person who has not only one channel of income. If he feels moody at a part, he left it temporarily, then can do others.

Photo by Ban Yido on Unsplash

Have you heard, Moody from people which have no choice in their life? So rarely, isn’t it? They have to do for survival, bearing the burden of family, for their sick parents, and their loved ones.

So, the moody will muffle if you make no choice for your life. You must accomplish your task and solve the problem. Only that. And I think your family, the loved ones, the reputation. Moody will lose, Insha Allah.

The filosophy of morning run

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Running at early morning is so hard to do for common people. They realize that keep fit is important. If you research and ask to people “Which one do to choice, keep fit or keep sleeping?” Mostly answer is keep fit. But their body wants to continue their sleep.

When you wake up. Try to sit first... Then count one until five. Stand up and go to the bathroom.

Wash your face and brushing teeth. If you have religious rituals such as fajr Prayer (Salat), meditation, etc.. accomplish it.

After that, If your mind thinks running or no... running or no...

Don’t rush, Your response is just moved slowly, and take your shoes, wear them.

While thinking running or no, running or no... do small motion and look out, feel the vibes…

While thinking again running or no, running or no... open the door and go out.

While thinking again running or no,running or no... Move to the yard.

At your position, your outfit, and your vibes, absolutely you don’t want to sleep and get willing to run.

Something is making you feel stifled and moody. Because the big problem, need 10 steps to solve with. Let’s touch on the first step. The first step has been done. let’s do the second step. It has been done and so on step by step. Do until the problem has been solved feel easy.

Let’s try.



Teuku Muhammad Al Kautsar

Storyteller, Stoicism, Algazelian | Arabic learner and currently in Hadramout, Yemen | Get weekly Newsletter in Bahasa Indonesia >